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Financial Report


Tekolo le Tlaleho

Tekolo e nepahetseng le e nakong le ho tlaleha li thusa ho ntlafatsa ho ithuta ha moithuti ka tšehetso e shebiloeng haholoanyane, thuso le katoloso ea mosebetsi oa baithuti, ha ka nako e tšoanang e ntse e boloka batsoali le bahlokomeli ba tseba ka katleho le khatelo-pele ea moithuti.

Tekolo e etselitsoe ho

  • fa baithuti karabo ka mosebetsi oa bona hore ba tsebe ho ntlafatsa tsebo le tsebo ea bona

  • fa batsoali le bahlokomeli maikutlo mabapi le katleho le katleho ea ngoana oa bona

  • lekola le ho tlaleha tsoelo-pele ea moithuti khahlano le maemo a katleho a mmuso


Maikutlo ka Mesebetsi ea Tekolo

Baithuti le malapa ba fumana maikutlo a nakong ka mesebetsi ea tlhahlobo ka sistimi ea rona e tsoelang pele ea ho tlaleha. Matichere a fana ka tlaleho ea katleho ea moithuti nakong ea libeke tse tharo ho tloha ha mosebetsi o phethiloe, ba fana ka sehlopha le litlhaloso mabapi le seo moithuti a se finyeletseng le likarolo tsa ntlafatso.

Litlaleho tsohle tsa mosebetsi oa tlhahlobo li fumaneha ka leqephe la Mosebetsi oa ho Ithuta o fumanehang Compass.


Litlaleho tsa Tsoelo-pele

Matichere a tlaleha ka litloaelo tsa mosebetsi oa baithuti makhetlo a mararo ka semesara, hoo e ka bang libeke tse ling le tse ling tse tšeletseng. Sena se lumella nako ea ho nahanisisa le ho fetola boitšoaro ha ho hlokahala. Litlaleho tsa khatelo-pele li sebelisa mokhoa oa ho tlaleha oa Grade Point A average (GPA) moo boiteko ba baithuti le ts'ebeliso ea bona lithutong tsa bona li lekantsoeng, ho sa tsotelehe boemo ba bona ba bokhoni ba thuto. Kakaretso ea Litlaleho tsohle tsa Tsoelo-pele nakong eohle ea moithuti sekolong e fumaneha leqepheng la Litlaleho bakeng sa moithuti ka mong.

Litlaleho tsa khatelo-pele li fumaneha ho Compass.


Litlaleho tsa Semester

Litlaleho tse akaretsang tsa katleho ea moithuti li fanoa habeli ka selemo qetellong ea semesetara ka seng mme li fana ka tekolo ea tsoelo-pele ea moithuti khahlano le Maemo a Bohlokoa a Kharikhulamo a Victoria.

Ditlaleho di fana ka kgutsufatso ya katleho thutong ka nngwe, ho kenyeletswa mosebetsi ka mong wa tekolo le sehlopha ka seng. Tlaleho e boetse e kenyelletsa kakaretso ea Litlaleho tsa Tsoelo-pele bakeng sa semestara seo.

Litlaleho tsena li teng ho li sheba kapa ho li jarolla ho Compass .


Likopano tsa Batsoali, Baithuti le Matichere

Dikhonferense tsa batsadi, baithuti le barutabana di tshwarwa gabedi ka ngwaga, e nngwe e le kwa bokhutlong jwa Kotara 1 mme e nngwe kwa bokhutlong jwa Kotara ya 3. Ona ke tšhono ya gore batsadi ba kopane le barutabana ba bana ba bone, ba buisane ka go ithuta ga bone le go botsa dipotso. Hape ke monyetla o motle bakeng sa matichere ho tseba baithuti ba bona hantle. Likopano li thusa ho theha puisano e haufi lipakeng tsa sekolo le lehae.

Peeletso ea linako tsa kopano e etsoa ka Compass.



Semester e ngoe le e ngoe, baithuti ba fumana tlaleho e akaretsang ea mesebetsi le limaraka le tlhahlobo khahlanong le maemo a katleho a naha ka bophara le Litlaleho tse tharo tsa Tsoelo-pele. Baithuti ba fumana maikutlo khafetsa mabapi le mesebetsi ea tekanyetso ho semestara sohle, mme ho na le kopano ea motsoali, moithuti le mosuoe qetellong ea Kotara ea 1 le Kotara ea 3.


Accurate and timely assessment and reporting helps to improve student learning.

Progress Reports

Teachers report on student work habits three times a semester, approximately every six weeks. This allows time for reflection and changes to behaviour if needed. Progress reports use a Grade Point Average (GPA) reporting mechanism where students' levels of effort and application to their studies are measured, irrespective of their level of academic ability. A summary of all Progress Reports throughout the student's time at the school is available on the Reports page for each student.

Progress reports are available on Compass.


Semester Reports

Summary reports of student achievement are issued twice a year at the end of each semester and provide an assessment of student progress against the Victorian Curriculum Essential Learning Standards.

The reports provide a summary of achievement in each subject, including each assessment task and grade. The report also includes a summary of the Progress Reports for that semester.

These reports are available to view or download on Compass.

Parent, Student and Teacher Conferences

Parent, student and teacher conferences are held twice a year, one at the end of Term 1 and the other at the end of Term 3. This is an opportunity for parents to meet their children's teachers, discuss their learning and ask questions. It is also a good opportunity for teachers to get to know their students better. The conferences help to create closer communication between school and home.

Bookings for conference times are made via Compass.

Summary Report

Each semester, students receive a summary report of tasks, grades and assessments against state-wide achievement standards and three Progress Reports. Students receive regular feedback on assessment tasks throughout the semester, and there is a parent, student and teacher conference at the end of Term 1 and Term 3.

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