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Transition from primary to secondary school is a significant milestone for any young person. As part of the Junior Sub School, students will lay the foundation upon which they will work to build on their social, emotional and academic skills.

Our junior students are actively taught about the College values - Commitment, Respect and Safety - through the Homegroup Program, to help educate them on the positive behavioural and academic expectations that anchor our College. This helps to promote a culture of high expectations, whilst also fostering a love for learning, from the very beginning.

Supportive and nurturing, our dedicated Junior Sub School and Wellbeing teams work collaboratively to tailor each of our new students’ experiences to help them feel welcomed and supported as they navigate through the structures and processes of secondary school life.


We aim to prepare students with the skills and attributes to become life-long learners.

We know that the transition to secondary school can be challenging for some students and have dedicated supports and programs to help support all students.  A Year 7 camp early in the year allows students to foster new friendships and build strong relationships with their teachers and form memories they will cherish for years to come. All parents of Year 7 students are invited to a BBQ evening at the start of the year to meet other families and Year 7 staff, and hear from the College leadership team. 

As they move through the Sub School, students will experience some choice in their learning program. They will have access to school camps, subject based-excursions and incursions, the Hands on Learning Program and Homegroup Days to provide them with unique learning opportunities, whilst helping to lift their outcomes, maximise their engagement and promote a positive wellbeing.  

Diagnostic testing and ongoing monitoring helps ensure our students receive the dedicated support they require to stay actively engaged and able to progress in their learning. 

Through the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Program, the Junior School sets high expectations for students, and promotes positive and respectful behaviour in all school settings. We aim to prepare students with the skills and attributes to become life-long learners as they explore the opportunities that exist beyond the Junior Years at TLSC.

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